78 Day Type Project

This assignment for my Experimental Typography class spanned across the entirety of the 78 days in this semester. We were asked to create one new iteration a day for our chosen English/Roman alphabet character. I chose the upper-case 'R' for this assignment and started drawing out type with a 0.38mm JetStream Black ball-point pen in my notebook for 78 days. Once I have completed all my analogous iterations, I scanned all the files, digitalized them on Adobe Illustrator then compiled them into a book on InDesign. The book consists of the digitalized version of the designs printed on 28lb paper and the typeface used for the title, date labels and descriptions is Nexus Typewriter Pro designed by Martin Marjoor. The cover is printed separately on 80lb heavyweight paper. The 4" by 5, 240 page book is perfect bounded with PVA glue and each page is hand-cut (using an X-acto Knife No.11). The scans of the hand-drawn iterations are also printed on Transparent film and are sandwiched between the page that labels the respective iteration's date and its digitalized design. The video on the right is the digital design of the book without the scans of the hand-drawn iterations.


'R' Iterations: from analogue to digital